Making An Appointment

Make an appointment by phone by calling us at (626) 585-7244 or in-person in D-105.

当 you make your appointment, we will ask you about your health concern so that we can schedule you with the most appropriate provider and for the right amount of time. We know that sometimes it is not a comfortable subject to talk about, but the more details you can give us, the better we can help make sure you get the most out of your visit.

Rescheduling or Canceling your Appointment

If you can’t make your scheduled appointment time, please call us ahead of time to cancel and /or reschedule it for another time.

What to Expect at Your Appointment

Whether it’s your first time visiting the Student 健康 Center or you’re making a return visit, our staff welcomes every visitor with the same attention and understanding. Remember, we are here to help you, and you shouldn’t hesitate to ask questions. 当 you stop by for a visit, here are some things to expect:

  1. You should arrive early to fill out a health questionnaire and additional paperwork.

  2. All of our health professionals are fully licensed. Depending on your health concern, you will be seen by a:
    • Registered nurse
    • Nurse practitioner
    • Physician/Doctor

  3. We will make every effort to see you at your scheduled time, but in the case that an unexpected emergency may arise, you may have to wait to be seen.

  4. We will spend your appointment time addressing your most important health concerns. To address other concerns, you may need to make multiple appointments.

  5. 当 you visit the Student 健康 Center, all of your medical information will remain confidential. 我们的 confidentiality, privacy guidelines, and HIPAA Guidelines all ensure that your information will remain confidential.